Arma 3 Grunt

 Woah there soldier! Slow your role, this your first time outside the wire? I thought so, for now all you need to know, everything here wants to kill you, your job is to kill it first. Good luck.

  • 3 Cores
  • 4 GB of Ram
  • 32 GB of Storage

Custom Options

Customize your service options for your package

Select the location
Used for installation and updates. Account does not need to own Arma 3, but MUST BE a VALID Steam account (anonymous login cannot be used). For security reasons it is recommended that you create a new Steam account just for your dedicated servers. *This info is not visible to the server owner.*
Used for installation and updates. Steam Guard MUST be completely TURNED OFF for install to complete successfully. *This info is not visible to the server owner, BUT IS stored in PLAIN TEXT. It is NOT advised to use a personal account; best to use a dummy account.*
Maximum number of players allowed to join the server.
Password required to join the server. Leave blank to have no password.
Quickly checks for any server or mod updates on startup, and updates if necessary. (1 Enable | 0 Disable)
If the Steam account does not own the base Arma 3 game, Steam Workshop mod downloads/updates will not work. If so, this setting allows disabling of this feature to avoid errors. (1 Disable | 0 Enable)
Downloads/Updates all the mod files required to run any CDLC during the next Automatic Update. DLCs can be enabled by adding their mod folder name to the Additional Mods startup variable. For example, add "vn;" to load the Prairie Fire CDLC. (1 Yes | 0 No)
Filename for an exported modlist. This file will be parsed for mod installation and loading. Upload your HTML file to the root directory (eg. /home/container/modlist.html). Leave blank to disable loading mods from a modlist.
A semicolon-separated list of additional mod folders to load. Useful for loading CDLCs or manually uploaded mods. This mod list will be loaded in addition to the Modlist File (if used). Any mods in this list that are in "@workshopID" form will also be included in Automatic Updates (if enabled). NO capital letters, spaces, or folders starting with a number! (ex. myMod;vn;@123456789;@987654321;etc;)
[This will override "Download Creator DLCs" if used] Only used when checking for server updates, and typically used for grabbing beta builds. Example: -beta profiling -betapassword CautionSpecialProfilingAndTestingBranchArma3
URL to a valid Arma 3 basic.cfg file. The "Basic" configuration file is used during server runtime for advanced network performance tuning. Because it is a required file, this URL is used to download it during installation, or if the file is found missing during startup.

Payment method

Select the desired Payment method

Order Summary


Monthly $12.99

Setup fee $0.00

Discount -$0.00

Due today



Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

How much do you want to add?