AWEsome Server Hosting

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We host your favorite games

AWE Management Portal

At Worlds End Gaming is here to provide your game server needs at the best price point possible.

Gigabit Fiber

All servers are on dedicated infrastructure which includes a gigabit syncrhonous fiber uplink.

Dedicated Hardware

As gamers and systems admins we know a thing about hardware so we aim for performance that will please!

Weekly Specials

This Week Only get 80% off Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 servers using code "WEEKLY" at Checkout!

Special Holiday Sales

We try our best to help spread the joy of gaming with friends, so for any new on holiday sales check the news pages!

Custom Packages

Do you need something more specific than our prebuilt packages? Just open a ticket and our team will do our best to make it so.

Veteran Owned

We are, of course, a small business, but not only that! We are a Veteran Owned small business originating from Louisiana.

Viewing plans for Black Mesa

Black Mesa is a 2020 first-person shooter video game developed and published by Crowbar Collective. It is a fan-made remake of Half-Life (1998) made in the Source game engine. Originally published as a free mod in September 2012, Black Mesa was approved for commercial release by Valve, the developers of Half-Life for Windows and Linux.

Black Mesa - Highly Customizable

First month 4.99 then 4.99 per monthly

$4.99 /Monthly
  • Fast Processors
  • High Speed Memory
  • Unmetered SSD Storage
  • Backed Up to Secure Storage
  • DDoS Protection
  • 32 Max Player Slots (Limited by Server Coding)
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